Expert Energy Consulting Services

ESCO Honduras specializes in sustainable solutions

man holding incandescent bulb
man holding incandescent bulb
solar panel and wind turbine
solar panel and wind turbine

First of all

Tailored Solutions for Sustainable Growth

ESCO Honduras provides tailored solutions to help clients achieve triple bottom line growth. We offer a range of services, including energy market analysis, regulatory compliance management, project development and management, asset management and specialized engineering services.
Our team works to deliver sustainable solutions that promote ecosystem health, social impact, and financial growth.

photo of truss towers
photo of truss towers

get clarity. identify opportunities and risks.

Energy Market Analysis

ESCO Honduras provides comprehensive energy market analysis to help clients identify opportunities, reduce energy costs, manage assets and navigate complex regulatory environments. Our tailored solutions are designed to promote sustainable growth and triple bottom line outcomes.

on specs, On time, on budget...

Project Management

ESCO Honduras has over 70 years of combined experience in energy sector project development. Our team of experts provides a range of services, including project planning and structuring, feasibility analysis, financial closing, and financial structuring. We work to deliver sustainable solutions that drive triple bottom line growth.

reduce costs. optimize assets. get expected performance.

Asset management

We offer comprehensive asset management solutions tailored to optimize the performance and maximize the returns of your physical assets. Our expert team works closely with you to develop customized strategies throughout the asset lifecycle, including planning, optimization, monitoring, maintenance, risk management, compliance, and lifecycle management. With our industry knowledge and data-driven approach, we empower you to make informed decisions, reduce downtime, improve efficiency, and ensure the long-term sustainability of your energy infrastructure investments.


Specialized engineering services

From electromechanical design and engineering, to conceptual project development and technical audits.
We are one of the few companies certified to perform primary frequency and effective power response audits in Honduras.

Verificación y registro de agentes – Centro Nacional de Despacho (

About ESCO Honduras

ESCO Honduras is an engineering and energy consulting firm that specializes in providing sustainable solutions to clients. Our team of experts has over 70 years of combined experience in the sector, with a focus on energy market analysis, regulatory compliance, project development and management and asset management.
We work to deliver tailored solutions that promote ecosystem health, social impact, and financial growth.

Sustainable Solutions for Triple Bottom Line Growth

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